18th Annual REGIONAL



WHEN:  APRIL 12, 2024


Deadline for hotel rate March 19

Join us for jam-packed day of learning and embracing stewardship as a way of life and learning to be better disciples.  

Hospitality and Community Building

Presenter: Stefani Ashkinay from the Diocese of Raleigh

This session will discuss the best practices of hospitality at your parish. The ministry of hospitality, although inherent to some, does require some degree of planning and organization. This session will help you organize hospitality at your parish into three sections: 

1. Welcoming the New Parishioner

2. On-going Hospitality

3. On-going Community Building

For those looking to become a stewardship parish for the first time hospitality throughout your parish is one of the first essential stepping stones. 

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Beginning or Renewing Your Stewardship Efforts

Presenter: Jim Kelley from the Diocese of Charlotte

Has it been a while since your parish has focused on stewardship or has your pastor tasked you with heading up a new stewardship committee? Jim Kelley has over 30 years of experience in bringing Catholic stewardship to parishes of all sizes. Starting with the USCCB's A Disciples Response, Jim will go over the importance of stewardship and provide first steps in forming a committee and building a ministry guide. 

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Growing Your Ministries Inside and Out

Presenters: Father Victor Ulto, April and Ed Laughlin from St. Bernadette Catholic Church in the Diocese of Palm Beach

Adding new ministries and growing your current programs can be hard. From volunteer opportunities to time management, it can be difficult to implement and grow new parish ministries. St. Bernadette Catholic Church in Port St. Lucie Florida, under the pastoral care of Father Ulto, has over 50 ministries and programs for parishioners to serve. Learn about best practices and how to avoid some of the hardships and roadblocks in growing ministries at your parish.

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Hispanic Stewardship

Presenters: Deacon Bert Chavez of the Diocese of Charleston and Ibis Centeno of the Diocese of Charlotte

Is your Hispanic population growing? Have you hoped to connect with them and invite them to be stewards of your parish? Learn proven methods to invite your Hispanic population to give back their time, talents, and treasure. Learn about the cultural differences in stewardship and how to invite them to be gracious supporters. Through co-responsibility and the spirituality of giving, this workshops offers ideas for new opportunities for the Hispanic community to give back and be a supportive part of your church. 

Item Link

Stewardship and Social Media

Presenter: Lindsay Sartorio St. Pius X Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charlotte

Social media and communication trends continue to evolve. To properly evangelize your people your communications efforts need to evolve as well. Learn about building a communications plan and new ways to reach your parishioners. From X (formerly twitter), WhatsApps, Facebook, Instagram, emails, annual reports, and more - learn about connecting and inviting parishioners through their own chosen social media.

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Role of the Pastor

Presenter: Rev. David D. Nerbun, STD pastor of Pier Giorgio Frassati Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charleston

Our pastor plays a major role in stewardship at our parishes. The pastor's are the leaders of the parish and though they may want to have a stewardship parish, not all aren’t sure where to start. From a pastor's perspective, Father David will go over different ideas as you can use to incorporate stewardship into your pastoral duties. The session covers homilies to committee meetings -  keeping stewardship at the forefront of messaging and decision-making within the parish.  

Item Link

This collaborative effort by the Dioceses of Charlotte, Charleston, Raleigh, and the Archdiocese of Atlanta, is an excellent opportunity for you to learn from lay and ordained stewards from parishes across the Southeast.

Anyone interested in embracing stewardship as a way of life will benefit from attending the conference. Whether a priest, deacon, parish staff member, or engaged parishioner, our goal is for you to receive the tools and motivation to take your parish’s stewardship program to the next level. The conference offers compelling and practical workshops, interactive forums, presentations and discussions around stewardship, teamwork, and innovative parish programs.

A Full Day of Inspiration and Collaboration

This conference offers compelling and practical workshops, interactive forums, presentations, discussions, and innovative parish initiatives.

This is a wonderful opportunity to network with and learn from individuals across the southeast.

See Agenda

The Details


Friday, April 12, 2024

  • 8:30-9:30

    Breakfast and Registration

  • 9:40 - 10:00

    Prayer Service and Intro

  • 10:00 - 11:00

    Keynote Address from Tracy Welliver

  • 11:15 - 12:15

    Breakout Session 1

  • 12:15 - 1:15

    Lunch and Exhibits

  • 1:30 - 2:30

    Breakout Session 2

  • 2:30 - 3:00

    Refreshment Break and Exhibits

  • 3:15 - 4:15

    Breakout Session 3

Hotel Reservation

Details for reservation of hotel room.

Hotel: Embassy Suites by Hilton Charlotte Concord Golf Resort & Spa

Address5400 John Q. Hammons Dr NW, Concord, NC 28027

Phone(704) 455-8200

Hotel Reservations
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace."
-1 Peter 4:10

Our Keynote Speaker

Tracy E. Welliver

National Senior Director of Product Sales

Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS, is a Catholic business leader, author, speaker, consultant, and Gallup-certified Strengths coach with over 30 years of experience in parish ministry. He is currently the National Senior Director of Product Sales for LPi where he manages a consultant team serving parishes in all 50 states. He previously sat on the Board of Directors for the International Catholic Stewardship Council.

He is the author of the Everyday Stewardship Book Series which includes Everyday Stewardship: Reflections for the Journey and Everyday Stewardship: Living an Extraordinary Life, all published by LPi.  His weekly reflections appear in parish and diocesan media around the world. He has also created a stewardship course for the Revive Parishes platform which features Catholic experts from a variety of fields.

Before coming to LPi, Tracy served for 22 years as a pastoral associate at Saint Pius X Catholic Church in Greensboro, NC. He has theology degrees from DeSales University and Duke Divinity School. He still resides with his family in Greensboro, NC.

Join Us!

Register for our conference today.

The number of spaces is limited, so don't wait for the last minute. Last year's conference was booked to capacity. Register online or contact Dave Walsh at dvwalsh@rcdoc.org or 704-370-3302

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